HgH (Omnitrope)


This may be a stupid question, but what is 1/3 of a bottle of Omnitrope (5.8 vial)? My RE told me to take 1/3 of Omnitrope for 9 days and I have 3 vials. My paperwork says .38ml daily, which is what I've been doing. I'm on day 6 and it definitely doesn't look like I'm going to have enough for 3 more days. I did some searching online and a blogger poster that .33 is 1/3 vial....so I think my paperwork has the wrong dose and now I won't have enough for the number of days I'm supposed to take it. Just wondering if anyone knows for sure what 1/3 of the vial is....I'm stressing out over not having enough meds.