young babies with RSV. Please answer


Anyone whose had experience with a young baby hospitalized with RSV. I’m having a hard night emotionally and just want to hear/talk to others who have been through this. Today is a week in the hospital and she’s now 4 weeks old. She’s happy and content not getting hardly any mucus out during suctions anymore. We just can’t get her off oxygen she’s only in .25 of it. She will go hours off and have a fine oxygen level but once she falls into a deep sleep she will drop to mid 80s and they will put the oxygen back on her. She’s always breathing fast constantly 70-100 breaths per minute. I just want my baby to be better it’s like I’m losing hope her breathing will regulate I don’t want anything to happen to her. I don’t know what else to do or what else can be done. Anyone have similar experiences? How many days until she fully recovers? I don’t know if these answers are even out there. Thank you whoever has read this I just need to get it out of my head.