Spotting at 5 1/2 weeks


I found out 2 weeks ago that we’re expecting baby no 3! Really excited as we’ve been TTC, on Friday when I went to the bathroom I noticed I’d started spotting. It was red blood then became a lighter red throughout the day and was more brown towards the evening. I’m not loosing much, not heavy enough to wear a pad just a panty liner. It’s been red/brown all weekend and I’m having no cramping or pain with it. Ive had 2 miscarriages in the past and this is nothing like those (I know all pregnancies are different). I have an app with my Dr tomorrow to run tests and find out what’s going on. I’m worried it’s a miscarriage and seeing as I’m still early days (6 weeks tomorrow) I’m not bleeding as heavy. I’ve been googling all weekend and some posts say it’s normal and many women go on to have happy, healthy pregnancies! Has anyone here experienced similar symptoms in their 1st trimester? What we’re your outcomes?