Belly Measurement 2 Weeks Behind?


My last appointment, which I just turned 28 weeks along, (I’m 31 now) my OB measured my belly and stated I measured 2 weeks behind. Me being the worry wart I am, is just afraid that something may be wrong. This is my first pregnancy so as soon as I hear something slightly negative, I worry.

She also stated that i do have a long torso, and is my first pregnancy, so that may be the case. But, if I measure behind my next appointment, I will need to have an U/S to make sure she’s growing at a good pace.

She moves all the time. Which helps ease my mind! I also get the comment on how small I am ALL the time and it sometimes makes me a little worried!

Just wondering if anyone else has been measured and been told the same, but everything turned out fine?

I’ve also heard, and read, that it’s not very accurate. Just want to hear other mama’s experiences!