To message her or not...need opinions.


I'll start off by saying I've been dwelling on this since Halloween and I need some unbiased opinions. My close circle including my husband, tells me to do it...but I'm kinda on the fence. So here goes.

On Halloween, my husband's ex girlfriend sent him a message on Facebook. Now, he hasnt seen or talked to her since we got together 8 years ago as they ended on bad terms.

Now, the only reason I know that she messaged him is that it came to my phone. Not that I have to justify the reason, but a few years back, we shared a phone and made it so that his account was accessible through my phone. He's literally not even used Facebook in 2 or so years and has never gotten a single message in that time frame...until this one. So he didnt even have a clue.

Her message was innocent enough. She waved, I accepted the message to be read..(they obviously weren't friends on there) and asked her what she wanted. Not implying that it was in fact I assume she thought it was him. She stated that his name came up (being that my husband worked with her brother on a job a few weeks ago) and she wanted to say hey.

I replied "why" and she said why wouldn't she. And what kind of a question was that.

I replied, "because there was no reason for her to unless she was trying to open worms. That I've been happily married and had no need to speak to her."

She replied with she didnt know that he was married and that talking wouldn't harm anything. .... ( 🙄 yeah right lol)

Now, I left it at that. Didnt say another word. Showed my husband when he got home, he was completely disgusted with the fact that she messaged him and said he was going to have words with her brother. He was perfectly ok with what I said (other than he said he would've been hateful) and said she was likely up to no good...because that's how she is.

I was like ok its over... but part of me cant help but dwell. She knew he was married. She knew. I'm still very active on Facebook and tag his profile in pictures of events, us and our daughter. It's not at all private so she saw. And it makes my blood kind of boil. I feel like I need to let her know she's attempting to wreck the wrong home. Lol which would never happen but it's always in the back of my mind. I trust my husband 100%....its her. We live in the same we havent run into each other in the past 4 years is beyond me. Yet the other side is, is it even worth my time. Is it going to change anything, make her step back or what.

I've gone into protective mode. And for the life of me I cant figure out why I want to message her so badly and let her know I'm onto her sneaky crap and then not because I'm like whatever...Lol anyway what do ya'll think. Message her or let it alone.