7 days left. Feelings of first vs second child.


With my first kid, I rolled up to my due date and was like "yea he can stay in a while longer", and he came the day after his due date. With this child, I have 7 days left and it just seems like she is never coming, and the idea of going over makes me wanna cry.

With my first, who was unplanned, I was scared of labor, scared of having a baby. I didn't know anything about my body or pain management. With my second, I have educated myself so much, so deeply, that I've become a birth nerd, and I want to become a doula. I believe in my body and I am so excited for labor. I want to feel the rushes of contractions that welcome my baby into the world.

With my first, I had never even held a baby. I didn't trust my body, I didn't know anything about breastfeeding. I felt like a failure when I chose go to fomula. I was so scared, and I felt so lost.

With my second, I have discovered I love babies. I trust my body entirely. I know I have resources to breastfeed successfully. This time I know there is no failure, even if we end up back at formula, there is NO failure. Just feed the baby, no matter how it happens, and if she is fed, I have succeeded. But I also know more now, and know I have resources, I believe I have a good start to a great breastfeeding journey. I feel supported and like I have direction.

Long story short. With my first, I was scared, and uneducated, but guess what ladies? My son is five and thriving, I didn't kill him, I didn't fail him. Even going in blind, you'll all find your way. Love your baby and you'll succeed.

And the best advice I can give is just educated yourselves. This feeling of readiness I have this time around is so empowering. I am actually excited for labor this time around, because I know more.

And remember, as long as you love your child, feed your child, and put that baby first, you will never fail. There is no failing with those three things.

Here's to our last few days of pregnancy, and our first few with the baby, and to a life of loving our children!