I was the other girl and didnt know..


Well heres how my day went. I've been seeing the same man for a year and a half. He seemed sweet and caring and just like a dream come true in the beginning.

After a couple months, some of his actions were kinda odd and I just put it to the back of my mind because I figured I was over reacting because I was cheated on before. I lived on my own so he came over whenever. I noticed one night he kept his phone on airplane mode. Weird so I asked him and he said he does that so hes not tied to his phone and can focus on spending time with me.

Fast forward. He started becoming more aggressive. Headbutting me, choke holds, accidently gave me a black eye during sex. Any problem I had, he made it out to be that I was nuts.

So I come to find out that his "ex" works with me. Her and I didnt talk because were on two different shifts. We literally just pass each other. Well I became pregnant in March and due any day. I took my leave Sunday due to some complications. Come to hear a rumor which isnt a rumor was going around the exs shift that my baby is his. Which is true.

Later in the day I get a message from the "ex". Turns out they never broke up and have been together for 2 years! 2 YEARS. Well hold onto your hats ladies because shes pregnant. 13 weeks to guess who... yup.. the guy I've been seeing.

She is the sweetest woman. Never came after me in a rude manor and never blamed me. We talked it out and I showed her screen shots of convos where he said he was single and everything. So today I found out my daughter has a sibling. Me and the girlfriend (I don't wanna mention her name) agreed that we will be in each other childs life and be friends. The father will not be apart of the babies lives.

She kicked him out earlier today and he was calling her a piece of shit, and trying to get into her house! Come to find out he put her in a chokehold months back and held her in it till she passed out. So I was beyond worried about her but she gave him his bag and got her key back from him. We stayed on the phone with each othere for 4 hours. Comparing things and its insane how he pulled all of this off.

I feel like a bunch of stress was taken off my shoulders. She is keeping his TV and ps4 because he owes her alot of money. Go figure. Hes a user like that. She put all his stuff in the garage and is making him get it all tomorrow and Wednesday.

I never thought in a million years that I would get in a situation like this but I've gotten rid of a no good man and gained this amazing woman in my life and another baby. We both promised to raise our children as a family. They will know about each other but not the horrible details until they are older and if they want to know.

Shes 13 weeks pregnant and just got her whole life destroyed. I'm so worried about her stressing and ending up over doing it. She hasnt slept all day but I finally got her to go to sleep about an hour ago. 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 I have now taken it into my hands to be a rock for her and to not let her go this alone.

Fingers crossed ladies. Prayers for her also because I dont want her over stressing.