Genetic/prenatal/parvovirus blood work today 🤯🤯🤯

HALEY • @bedtime my kids turn in to dehydrated philosophers who need a hug. 😍😘

I did my routine prenatal labwork, counsyl NIPT, and a IGg/IGm parvovirus work up today.

Counsyl done because I had a T21 pregnancy that ended in the second trimester last pregnancy.

Perks -we can find out gender super duper early, but also very anxious for this pregnancy to go smoothly.

Parvovirus done because youngest just had a week of fever followed by a full body rash.. awesome 😬😶

Crossing our fingers 🤞we get to bring home a healthy baby in 2019. We want it so badly. 🙏🙏🙏🙏