Long Distance Love?

After my breakup w my boyfriend of 2 years, I wanted a quick, not intimate, whatever type of hookup to just get it out of my system. I ended up meeting a super nice guy on tinder who was just my type, took me on a date first and we hooked up for a while. I was still not over my ex and he would ask about him, and genuinely seemed to care. We hooked up for a yearish on and off, summer passed (he is from Philly, me Long Island), and we hooked up a few times last year. I always liked him but thought it was just because he was the first guy after my ex. But I realized I actually do have feelings for him, and did tell him that. He was going through a transition out of a sport he played his whole life after an injury, and it was his senior year; so he said he liked me but it was a bad time. So in early September, I was going through Philly and randomly snapped him. We have been snapping every day since. He told me some really personal stuff, and I told him my usual bullshit too. He asked if I had feelings for my ex, and I said I didn’t but that we did catch up for drinks. It’s casual convos but daily. Sometimes we flirt and sext, other times it’s just mundane conversations. In October, he left for the Peace Corps (something I also want to do in the future) and there is a 9,000 mile distance and 13 hr time difference. But we have still talk everyday. He tells me about his experience, asks about my stuff, just normal convos. Send me snaps of him on the toilet or random shit. Sometimes he talks about when he gets home, how we’ll do this and that. Sometimes it’s about sexual things, other times about going to museums and seeing his city. One night when I was drunk, we were talking and I asked if I was the only girl he was talking to. And he said no. And told me her name. I was upset and kind of pissed, but he was honest and said he thought we could be transparent since he definitely doesn’t want to get seriously involved w the current distance. I was a hypocrite because I talk to other guys, but not like this, I don’t actually like these other guys and i’m just bored. I asked if they talk as much as we do, and he said yes. I also said I would never bring her up again because he doesn’t want it to be weird. He isn’t coming back for 2 years, and I just don’t know how to go about it. We had a conversation the other day and he said he did like me when we were hooking up, but didn’t know if I felt the same way and it was a bad time anyway. He kind of says that he has feelings now, but obviously the situation makes it pretty bad. Some days I feel like I’m a bother and tell him, but he genuinely seems to be busy with training and stuff, he says I overthink it. I’m a senior in college and I know I have so much ahead of me, he is just this one guy I will always think about; the “what if?” guy, I guess. Do I stay talking to him? Do I ask serious questions? Do I ask about the girl? Do I tell him how I feel? Do I just stay doing this and have fun, don’t take it serious? I just don’t know.