Feeling Stressed 😩

Got my period last month on 10/12. Started meds on 10/16, did my trigger 10/28 with 1 follicle and did <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on 10/30. I was feeling hopeful but now today my lower back hurts and I’ve been feeling a lot of “pressure” like leading up to your period.

My husband doesn’t have the greatest sperm (some samples came back as zero) but when he finally had a good one they froze it which cost $300.

When I went for the procedure they told me it’s another $200 to defrost. Plus I paid $150 for the Ovidrel and at least $100 in copays when I went for blood/sono. We were originally told insurance would cover everything (later found out they don’t consider freezing medically necessary so it’s not covered) and i just can’t afford $700+ per month to do this.

So basically it was a one and done type thing and I know I’m gonna have a nervous breakdown when my period actually comes. I laid on the table crying for 20 minutes after the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> praying that it worked. Our son will be 5 in a few months and we’ve been TTC for almost 3 years now. Just feeling really defeated.

Obviously took a pregnancy test today at only 7dpiui even though I know it’s still too early. I keep telling myself I’m ok with my perfect, healthy, happy son but I know in my heart I really want another. 😭💔