This quote is soooooo relevant for a lot of women on this forum!!!! I thought I’d share it. 😊✌🏻🌷

I saw this quote today and it made me think of a guy I dated who made me cry often. When we first met I honestly thought he was possibly the guy I might spend my life with, but in time he showed me his true colours. He was a narcissist who really didn’t know how to be honest at all. So many times I gave him another chance because I was told by many people that I was ‘overthinking things and being too sensitive’ (I am a major over-thinker). But each time I gave him another chance, he let me down, hurt me, made me feel like I was nothing.

I should never have thought things would change, I should never have given him so many opportunities to hurt me, I should never have thought I could be happy with him after he consistently made me sad.

Too many times on here I have seen posts from women who are being hurt by their partners again and again. Maybe it’s time to stop looking for happiness with the same person who has brought you to tears time and time again.
