Indi🖤 • RJ Adams 🖤👼🏽 12/29/2020 Twin boy angel babies 💙👼🏽Angel & Peyton👼🏽💙

Ladies.... I am kind of freaking out...

I had a mc in August. My so and I were ttc for a year and a half and we did 5 rounds of Clomid before we finally got pregnant with twins! Unfortunately my babies didn’t make it and I lost them at 6w5d.

For the last 4 days I’ve been waking up extremely nauseous and 2 mornings ago, I actually threw up. I decided to take this cheapo this morning just for shits and giggles. And this is what I get..... 😳 This was about 5 mins after I took it. Could this be?! Do y’all see it?! HELP ME P L E A S E!!!