Should I ask him to stop smoking???


So my 6 year old is starting to get pneumonia every 6 months or so. He has weak lungs and his dad (My ex husband) is a smoker. Like 1 pack a day. The dr has informed me this can be a contributor to his lung issues now and in the future.

Do I ask him to stop for our son?

We aren’t together anymore and have been divorced since he was 1 month old. We are both remarried and I have 2 step kids and a 1 year old at home. So our son getting this sick is putting our other kids at risk. And I’m a stay at home mom so when he’s sick, he stays with me.

I cannot handle watching our son suffer like this. It’s absolutely terrible. I do all I can to strengthen his immune system when he’s with me. We have 50/50 custody. He is a really good dad overall, but he’s been a smoker for over 12 years. I don’t want to come off as demanding either as we are finally coparenting well. How do I approach this without him feeling attacked? Or do I say nothing??

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