hey girls


sorry i havent post in a while so this is my birth story... 35 weeks and 6 days

On thursday morning 10/25/18 i woke up i bit uncomftable some contraction nothing mayor, that morning around 11 am i decided to call the doctors office they told me to go in for a check up and put me on monitor and the baby, 30 min later the nurse tell me it just my uterus being angry lol. so i went home. an hour later i felt more and more the contracion 4 to 5 min apart a bit painfull not much so i decided to call again the doctors office, they told me go to LD, so i went they put on monitor after 15 min to doctors comes in and check me and yes i was having contracion, he checks my cervix and SURPRISE i was 4cm so Baby came 2:48 am 10/26/18....