Starting a schedule


I was self reflecting and I realized when I was in a treatment place I did better with a schedule for the most part it said fairly the same I know life is not the same and more unpredictable and I need more of a schedule for most part my day is the same but because of my depression I slept until 1pm ate a quick lunch and headed to work, worked, then went to sleep and on my days off I cleaned my apartment as it was pretty dirty from not keeping up on it and I'm tired of doing all that.

I want to be more productive and be able to do fun things on my days off. Plus I'm tired of letting my depression control me, so here's the schedule I'm going to follow

10am (my goal is to wake up at 8am but I want to let my body adjust) get up and drink water, go to bathroom make bed, etc

10:30 do 15 minutes of yoga

10:45 start prepping lunch/free time

11am make lunch

11:30 eat lunch

12pm take shower and get dressed

12:15pm tidy up apartment

12:45/1pm get ready for work

1:30pm leave for work

2:45 pm punch in for work

11:15pm leave work and head to gym

11:20pm workout

11:30 go home

12am go home and sleep

My days off will be more flexible. I think I'm going to give myself points for doing each task and those points can be reedeemed for different things. I know that sounds childish and maybe it is, but hopefully it will get me on a good routine. Once it becomes habit I won't have to do the points anymore and everything will become habit.
