Am i a bad person

Im 10 weeks pregnant and ive been so sick i havent been able to get out of bed for weeks

We’re staying with my family right now so they see me every day and my grandma comes over to hang out and they all have been helping with appointments and my dog and everything i need.

Everyones really excited about the baby and that makes me really happy but my husbands family has never liked me

We’ve been together almost 6 years and they were still telling him to leave me a week before we told them about the baby, so i was never really welcome over there, they never necessarily said it but they wouldnt talk to me or would make really rude comments and they tried their hardest to not invite me to holiday events with them

Ive dealt with all that for my husband and he does stick up for me all the time so i mainly send him alone when he wants to visit and he understands why

Since finding out about the baby they want me over there after every appointment and on weekends like they’re constantly asking ME to come over and ive been over a few times and they were really touchy with my belly and im not even showing yet and they caught and attitude when i asked them to not touch me. They also only talk about the baby and how the babys doing not me and im not meaning to sound selfish but tried explaining that my doctor said it might be high risk and i have to go to extra dr appointments to get tests done weekly it doesnt matter even though it affects the baby?

They also make comments about how when baby is born i can just drop it off and pick it up later and when i was like nah they were like yea we’ll see and just laughed

But every time i decline because im sick they get mad and im suddenly keeping the baby away from them. Im glad they’re excited for the baby but if they still dont want anything to do with me i dont feel i need to be around them carrying this baby or not and my husbands been really stressing over it and is now saying that im favoring my family and i think its very obvious why so we’ve gotten in arguments over it idk what to do

Everything irritates me really bad and its stressing me out and my family just tells me to suck it up