My 37W5D birth story 😍😍

Lyndsay β€’ Mother of 3 ❀ 10/03/10, 10/13/16 & 11/07/18

Ok, this will probably be long lol. But as I look at my newborn daughter, idk if I would change things at all.

My actual due date was November 23rd but due to have GD, I was expecting to deliver at least a week before that so she didn't get too big. Once I hit 35 weeks, I became absolutely miserable. 36 weeks I started drinking red raspberry leaf tea and when I found out I was dilated to a 3 at my 36 week appointment, I tried castor oil. It didn't work, what a disappointment πŸ˜…. I tried walking, bouncing on am exercise ball, sex, the "midwives brew" drink, you name it.. I was simply over it. I was in and out of the hospital for false labor damn near every other day it seemed like.

My 37 week check up was with a different dr because mine was in surgery for the day and all of my appointments were scheduled in advance at my 34 week appointment and I wasn't trying to reschedule. So I casually asked about getting my membranes stripped, I was tired of contractions going nowhere. And that's where my "birth story" begins!

Roughly 7 hours after my sweep, I started losing my bloody show. No real contractions. Occasionally when I would walk. I ended up taking the night off work and tried the castor oil again. BIG MISTAKE. soooo.. I take that at roughly 10:45 PM and when I notice no change in anything by 1:30 am I just claimed it as a bust. No big deal. I'll wait until my next appointment. 3:45 am I had a painful contraction wake me up out of my sleep. Had two more each 15 minutes apart. Brushed it off. Started having slightly painful contractions at 6 a.m. so I started timing them. Over an hour goes by and they're STILL not consistent. So I was just laying in bed waiting until I had to get my oldest up for school, watching videos on Facebook. Right after 8 a.m., I felt a pop.. I couldn't move. I thought it was a fart at first and at that moment my cousin had called me on her first break at work. Soon as I stood up, water went everywhere. I can't tell you how many times I called my mom and finally got a hold of her at 8:16 am. I was literally sitting on the toilet having the painful contractions trying to get a hold of her. Thankfully my daughter got herself up and ready, I only had to brush her hair. That was the hardest thing I had to do. We go outside and when my mom arrives I send my daughter to the bus stop. I'm in tears, I can't walk, can barely breathe. We drive literally 5 minutes to the hospital and get there at 8:32 am. Start checking in and this lady is making me sign all these papers seeing that I can barely stand πŸ™„πŸ™„. Two days later, we get upstairs at 8:44 am and they put me in a smaller room to monitor me for contractions that anybody could see I was having. I'm in tears, apparently forgot how to breathe while having these contractions and they kept trying to ask me questions. Sttooppp! The nurse checks me to confirm my water broke and to see how far I'm dilated. "Oh she's crowning" she says. My dumb ass didn't know what that meant but she gets up and has to get supplies for me to push. Yeah. I couldn't wait. I had the urge to push while the other girl was still trying to get an IV started on me. I remember screaming "she's coming! I have to push!" No doctor or nurse anywhere in sight. Just my little aid. I pushed maybe two times total, one was a really good push. I didn't wanna push her when I did but the sensation was overwhelming. I had to. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ she was born at 8:55 am. No pain meds of any kind. And let me tell you, I really wanted that epidural.

My baby girl Kaira Gisele came out at 7 pounds 6.5 oz 20 inches long.

I don't want to experience a birth like that EVER again! But I am proud to say that I have experienced it after two complete inductions. We're slowly fixing our sugar levels and hopefully we get to go home later today 🀞🏼🀞🏼 she looks sooo much like my son, it's unreal.

Thanks for reading!