Induction story! (All very honest)


So I was induced 4 days before due date as baby wasnt moving.

They broke my water at 5:30pm, I start feeling contractions straight away! But no pain just my stomach going rock hard. An hour later, still no pain but contractions every 2- 3 mins. Midwife started my hormone drip.

For a good few hours maybe till 12pm I had nothing. Then went to the toilet and it seemed emptying my bladder caused them to become worse! I was literally doubled over in pain. So asked for gas and air, personally it did nothing for me and it made me vomit! The midwife checked me and said I was only 3cm, so I asked for an epidural.

She came back and told me it would be an hour 😳 which point I am thinking are you kidding! So she offers diamorphine (amazing stuff, would recommend to all) I could still feel the pain but felt like I was very drunk! So it was manageable. I was probably laid very relaxed on the bed for 2 hours and then they gave me the epidural.

The midwife told me to sleep as it was 1cm very 2 hours they would check me at 6am, this was 2am. So I wake up again at 4:00am with a burning sensation! The midwife says she has no idea why I am burning 😂🙄 she checks me and says oh your 8cm, we carry on till 5:00am. At this point I say I need to push!

Midwife let’s me push and baby arrived at 5:51am!

I had an episiotomy, which I didn’t feel, didn’t feel the epidural ... didn’t feel any of the injections they gave me I was in that much pain😂

Lost 1.5 litres of blood which was worse and made me feel awful afterwards. I slept the whole day and couldnt keep my eyes open, but about 6pm I was feeling much better!!