Blame it on me.

Tiffany • 💕Mommy 06/13/18 ❤️ baby #2 due March 2020! taken 10/28/16😍 boy momma🥰 C-section momma💪🏻

Gotta love getting blamed for everyone problems. My cousin left her husband after 13 years because she’s unhappy, he’s controlling, keeps her from the family, they split up she got pregnant, she left the boyfriend went back to him, she lost the baby and this mother fucker had the nerve to look at her two days before she found out the baby had no heart beat that he wished he’d have never taken her to the hospital to save her baby! Who the fuck does that? Well now ty are separated permanently divorce has been filed but they have an 11 year old daughter. So they still have to see one another and I’m being blamed for ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS by this SOB.

Sorry y’all just needed to rant