Help a mama out 😩😢

❤️CarlJam❤️ • 👧🏻+👦🏻+👦🏻+👶🏻 ❤️Engaged to my first love❤️ XII-XXV-MMIV

My son was admitted about 2 weeks ago due to vomiting and dehydration, i was exclusively pumping for him and the attending physician there thought he’s got dairy allergy and told me to stop feeding him breastmilk for now and try to start giving him formula which what they had in the hospital that time was Enfamil Prosobee (ready to feed) which at first he was doing fine, so i went ahead and bought the powder one since they didn’t have the ready to feed kind at the store but as the days go by he start throwing up like projectile vomiting everytime we feed him with the formula so i decided to pump again and give him that and he was fine so i don’t think he’s got dairy allergy but my problem is my supply is really low and keep up with him i have used all the milk in the freezer for the past few days and i’m on the last batch and i don’t think it’s going to last the whole night 😩😢 my question is did you guys have any experience like this and what formula worked for you guys??? I tried enfamil gentlease and he seemed didn’t like that either cuz he was throwing up with that one too as well as similac pro. I’m at lost right now 😩 TIA

Here’s my little man who turned 2 months few days ago.