Hey guys- i have been researching and feel that i may be needing to see a doctor for endometriosis... i have a few symptoms but my main concern currently besides unexplained infertility is that 2 days before AF arrives i bleed bright red from my rectum.

Ryan • Mom of 2 babies👶🏼👧🏼-5 fur babies🐶-TTC 1 year🙏🏼🤞🏼❤️

I have had this issue for months now but this seems to be the worst month. My concern is that my doctors know and have confirmed rectal bleeding, i get a transvaginal ultrasound every month to check my ovaries for clomid checks and i got a colonoscopy this year, noone has mentioned anything about endometriosis.... do i need to call my doctor and suggest this? Do you all have any advice?

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