Thought's and prayers needed


My LO will be a month old on Saturday and here we are in the ER getting a spinal Tap done (white blood cells 3.2) 😭😭 He felt warm to the touch at about 1030pm last night so I took his temp and it was 100.6 once we got to the ED they let me know that his heart rate was extremely high which is common with fevers. It was 200 plus. I thought maybe he was catching a cold because 2 of my kids were sick( no matter how much I sanitized cleaned and had them wash their hands) they still managed to spread germs and to make matters worse I was sick last week and got a cold sore( first time ever) and they're thinking maybe that's what's causing him to be sick. I did everything washing my hands constantly using hand sanitizer and Lysol. I even called my doctor right when it was coming on because I know how bad cold sores can be for babies and she recommend nothing no meds or anything just wash my hands( this doctor here for pediatrics said she would've given me meds immediately because of the baby just to be safe cold sores are so common it's always nice just to play it safe) I'm just an emotional wreck I feel like they're torturing him every time he needs something done. I feel like the worst mom ever because mostly I got him sick even though I did everything possible to prevent so( I don't kiss him or anything) the only good news I got was that it's definitely viral and not bacterial