Surprise induction šŸ˜‚ easiest birth ever.


I called my doctor the Wednesday the 24th of October to reschedule my appointment with them that Friday. The receptionist seemed confused and told me I didnā€™t have an appointment that day and she would have my doctors nurse call me back.

At this point I was super confused. I get a call back less than a minute later with my nurse asking if anyone called me. I was like ???? She then informed me that I was scheduled to be induced to the following morning at 7 am. Less than 16 hours away. Yeah... no one called, no one told me I needed to be induced or why, no one even called to schedule it or anything.

Apparently I had pregnancy hypertension and needed to be induced and I was just now hearing about it. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø they really dropped the ball.

So I show up to the hospital, get all set up and the nurse comes in and lets me know Iā€™m actually having regular contractions (I canā€™t feel them) however Iā€™m still high, not effaced and only 1cm. Of course I was like great, weā€™re going to be here forever and this is probably going to end in a c section...

So I started cytotec around 11 am to help soften my cervix. And if you know anything about cytotec, you know it isnā€™t meant to give you contractions or put you into labor (although it can) itā€™s just meant to soften the cervix in order to start pitocin so you can start contracting.

So the check me 4 hours later and I havenā€™t really changed much so I get another dose. At this point my anxiety is through the roof and i start questioning if I made the right decision to even come In. I DONT want pitocin. Iā€™ve heard awful stories and Iā€™m just freaking out at this point Because nothing has changed.

So around 7 my doctor comes in and she is tells me Im almost fully effaced and 6 cm. And that the baby is coming on his own and we donā€™t even need to start pitocin. She then tells me if we would have waited he probably wouldā€™ve came that week.

Like really.... thanks doc.

She breaks my water which hurt like a mf (mind you I have zero meds at this point)

I basically cried. Within 2 mins my contractions are coming so fast and so hard I canā€™t breath. They are about 3 mins apart and you can see the damn waves on my sheet. Luckily my son is taking everything like a damn champ.

They finally get the anesthesiologists in and he gives me my epidural, well while getting it I have a freaking break down. Like literally I start crying uncontrollably about how Iā€™m not ready to be a mom of two (too late for that) and how my first born is going to hate me and so on. Yeah everyone in the room is like wtf šŸ˜‚ They lay me down and I start to feel everything working (Iā€™m still freaking out)

About 30 mins later, I feel EVERYTHING. I start freaking out more. Yā€™all I swear this anesthesiologists came in like ā€œthis bitch is still crying?ā€ šŸ˜‚ he walked back out as soon as he walked in. Came back with some different drugs and no joke within 5 mins I couldnā€™t feel anything from my boobs down. Iā€™ve had an epidural before and it wasnā€™t this good.

So anyway they come and check me and theyā€™re like let us know when you fell the need to push. And Iā€™m like ummmm. Yeah not going to happen Bc I canā€™t feel anything. And here is where it gets weird af.

So they are like you canā€™t feel anything? No pressure no anything? And Iā€™m like nope. So they check me again and they tell me Iā€™m 10cm and 100% effaced and they go get the doctor.

My doctor walks in and laughs when I tell he I canā€™t feels anything. At this point the only people in the room are some family, my husband and the dr. The nurse was getting everyone so we could have this baby.

My doctor looks down (my legs are in stirrups) and she goes ā€œgive me a little push, I wanna see somethingā€ I give a little push and she goes ā€œyou can stop the baby is outā€ and everyone is like what??? The nurse and everyone comes walking in and they are like holy crap!! So everyone is rushing around me Bc I literally didnā€™t even push and my baby is now on my chest.

Letā€™s just say if all labor was this easy Iā€™d have a dozen. šŸ˜‚ but it was definitely a crazy 12 hours.

William, 8lbs 9oz 21in