What gets you more irritated or angry?


I was just talking with a friend and she made a funny point.

Long story short, my friend had an interaction with another woman (a stranger) who falsely accused her of denting her car with her door. The back and forth ended with the other woman saying ‘whatever Bitch’ to my friend..

My friend was angry at the time but said she couldn’t care less about being called a bitch, but this woman also condescendingly called her things like ‘honey’ and ‘sweetheart’ in a ‘fuck you’ kind of way, and my friend said the fake sweet names were more irritating and made her more angry then being called a bitch.. at least she was being real with her when she called her the name.

So given the context, what would rub you the worst way? There are no wrong answers because this is just personal opinion.

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