Panicky and off my center. What do I do?

Nicole • Sex, piercings, tattoos, and ngjt

So let me just say this, I have a boyfriend whom I’ve never cheated on. I have a ton of guy friends which my boyfriend is 100% okay with, and I always hang with them when the boyfriend and I aren’t all in each others’ faces.

Now that being said, I went out tonight with someone whom I thought to be a friend. We have had sex together before, a fact which TC (my boyfriend) is aware of. Now this “friend” of mine said we should go out to eat and see a movie. I wanted to see “The Nun” and he said sure. It was his turn to pay, mind you we’ve done this hundreds of times before but somehow tonight he thought it was a date.

Now tonight was supposed to be a group thing, but everyone cancelled. Now at then end of the movie and pizza, my “friend” decided to try to put the moves on me. And I told him to stop and no. I even explained to him, that he knew that I was dating TC and that he knew the guy.

Now I’m not trying to find sympathy but I feel violated. Am I wrong to feel that way? Also I ended the friendship and gave the guy $50 tonight and told him not to contact me again. I just took a hour shower and I still feel gross. What do I do?