Question for women ttc with thyroid problems!?!


So a little back story first of all. In 2016 I had a total thyroidectomy, due to hyperthyroidism or Graves’ disease. I was prescribed 75mg levothyroxin once a day. Fast forward.... fiancé and I have been been trying to conceive since January of 2018 so this will be month 11. With no luck what so ever. Every month is a total heart break when af shows up we are doing temps every day every month and using opks I’m getting high positives or dark positives every month showing when I’m ovulating. My doc even put me on clomid 50&100 mg from January until July. I’ve tried the gertoil, taking vitamins drinking fertility tea legs in the air pressed pretty much every thing. And nothing is working we are trying and do everything we are supposed to be doing but it’s just to the point where I feel like it’s time to give up.I go back to doctor this Thursday and I’m going to request to have my blood drown to check my t3/t4 levels for thyroid stuff. So my question is..... what should my levels be at, the perfect number? Any helpful tips or pointers for me I know I’m not the only one going threw this and I have no one I can really talk to. Please give me some answers!