
So this is a bit out there but I’m a ‘vampire’ .... yeah (stop reading now if you are gonna hate)

So a little while back I was a full on vampire with a community and all... we had non vampires there for blood... of there own free will.. std checks done the lot we where safe...

anyway it was never really a sexual thing for me it’s just something I connected with and made me feel normal. Some of our donors it was.

With my new bf I told him about it and he lit me feed earlier and it became very sexual and it was weird but exciting.

Well basically I would like to know if there are any more vampires out there that could help a girl out? Is this asking to much of him?

He seemed to enjoy it, but I don’t want this to become a thing for us I want a relationship, not just dinner and sex...

what do you think I should do?