What are the odds? Just comment A or B.

I’m 30weeks pregnant. Around when I got pregnant I had just gotten off birth control so my period to date pregnancy was unreliable. I slept with Guy A and B early March and again Guy B end of April. I know going by ultrasound is more accurate but my due date has changed 4times by ultrasound because my dr was looking to measure baby for my due date since my period was not reliable. What are the odds that Guy A is baby daddy?

Just comment who you feel it’s most likely to be or if it’s 50/50. They both know I’m pregnant. Please no judgement, I’ve never slept with multiple guys it just kinda happen and I’m starting to doubt it’s more so Guy B and think it’s a real chance of being Guy A. So I need some reassurance.

To add a little more detail. Because my period was so jacked up from birth control, I had 3 bouts of irregular bleeding in March and April. 1st bout came later than I had expected and I did test faint questionable positives on pregnancy test after the bleeding but then I had 2 more bouts of bleeding with in a week and half/2weeks of each other and 2weeks later tested again and found out I was pregnant around May 12th with a questionable faint positive that ended being a positive digital same night.