Am I a Pee-A-Holic🤷🏻‍♀️

Sara • Pregnant with ✌️

It’s 5w4d since my missed Mc. We started Bd 2w4d ago. I have no clue when I ovulate or if I’ve had a period. I bled heavy for two days and spotted for two weeks, and light pink spotted for two days the day after we started BD. I’ve had cramps, back pain, dizzy, & I felt like I’ve had the flu for six days. ALL SYMPTOMS🙄

Butttt I’m not sure when/if I ovulated so I have no clue when to check for pregnancy.

These are a few opk test I’ve done before I gave up.

How do I go from one line 11-10 to a positive 11-11 when I had one 11-9? & glow told me they all were positive to BD ,when I know 11-7, 11-8, 11-10 are negative.

I decided to test and the first one came back positive but it was the free one included with the opk. So I didn’t trust it.

I took this one 11-11 and saw the vvvvfl

I hate blue dye test “they were on sale” 🙄

Took this one this morning...

Am I crazy and just wishing for something that isn’t? Orrrr is the vvvfl getting darker?

I KNOW it’s not left over hcg from my angel baby as I made sure I had a complete negative before we started bd again.

Before I go waste money for fr pink dye test, is it getting darker or am I desperate?

Thanks for reading my crazy morning thoughts 😬

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