8 days late...negative result...but diagnosed with PCOS as teen

Backstory: I was 16 when I was diagnosed with PCOS I had little to no periods (1 period every 3 months if not longer). Thinning head hair, with a patched of thick black hair under my neck and chin. Weight gain, with no result in being able to loose it. They placed me on birth control and metformin. Had ultrasound done and they said my eggs looked fine.

It took about 1 month for the birth control to start regulating me. Since then, I’ve had a normal period for 3 straight years (every 28 days). I met this guy (now my husband) lost my virginity to him - still had normal periods. We got married in July of this year which is when I quit my birth control (wanting kids) my period was still regular up until now it’s November (about 3 1/2 months later). My period is 8 days late. I took a dollar store test on the 2nd day I was late, result was negative. I took a first response test on my 6th day late (with husband with me) I peed on the stick but not enough, not knowing I decided to just dip the stick in toilet (not thinking about it diluting my urine) which resulted in a negative test. I am now 8 days late. (Let me also inform you since middle last month I’m constantly fatigued ——could be a result of my job??——— nauseated ——haven’t thrown up though—— dizzy, constantly hungry, wanting nothing but onions (raw) with mayo.

My question is should I take another test or do you think my birth control finally worked it’s way out of my system and that’s why I haven’t had a period this month...?

I am currently 21.