Husband is capable of taking care of our kid 🙄 #rant

Elizabeth • Trying for number two!

I have a really great situation for work where I have nearly 6 months off work (unpaid,) before I have to return to work part time next fall. I make my own hours at work too, so it’s flexible. My husband is a PhD student with a paid semester off, and when he goes back next fall from paternity leave, he still will be doing research from home. Even when he starts teaching in spring 2020, he only has 4-5 hours a week of work outside the home.

Everyone keeps asking what we’re going to do for childcare when I go back to work. “Uh, my husband will be home with the baby?” Jeez people. It’s like they forget men are parents too.

I know when my mom harasses me about it it’s bc she just wants to babysit...but like we carefully planned this so we wouldn’t need childcare besides the two of us. The first few times I didn’t mind the question, but the repeated assumption that I as the woman am the only caregiver is driving me up a wall.

Anyone else’s partner gonna basically be a stay at home dad?