Time to move on 👋🏻


My partner and I have been together for 4 years and got 2 kids together. Its time to call it quits and for us to part ways, this is the person I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with but shit happens 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe down the road in a few years things can work out again if not then okay.. Everyday it’s an argument, its either always about his mother or financial problems. His mom is always causing arguments between us, she’s always up our asses its like being in a relationship with her too, he always puts us last and everyone else first, he gets paid between $500-1,000 weekly but we’re broke all the time living pay check to pay check. Our rent is $800 but we’re 2 months & a half behind somehow and we’re getting our cable and internet cut off tomorrow because he hasn’t paid in 3 months. I keep asking where the money is and he just tells me to shut up that it’s his money, I’m in school so I’m not working.. I’m way younger than him so I spent my young years being a wife and raising my kids basically alone while he was out getting drunk with his boys. But whatever right. I stood by his side regardless a lot of things and forgave a lot of things but whatever I’m the dumbass. Time to look for a room to move to with my kids, put school on hold and start working. On the bright side I will be peaceful and won’t always have to be arguing with someone everyday & might get a babysitter once in a while to go out since I haven’t gone out (wasn’t allowed to) in 2 years 🎉