Pros and Cons to Each Name in Description



- Pro: everyone we talk to likes this name.

- Con: we’re originally from the Philly area and it’s booming in popularity since the Eagles won the Super Bowl. It feels like we’d be falling into the Aiden, Jayden, Braeden, Caden trend of the early 2000s. It also doesn’t have many good nicknames.


- Pro: It sounds like a cool, sporty name; my husbands family especially loves it as they all are very athletic and big sports fans.

- Con: It ends in the S sound and our last name starts with S. So when you say the first and last name together, it could sound like they’re running together. We also had a friend named Chase in college and wonder if college friends would think that was weird.


- Pro: It’s been a favorite of mine for YEARS, especially with Miles Davis being one of my favorite musicians of all time.

- Con: Hubby doesn’t love it as much as me - thinks it has the potential to be a dweeby name. And while it technically ends in S... the S is more like a Z sound so it works better with our last name. But the ‘s stuff and the word “is” with it is awkward. Like saying “Honey, have you seen Miles’ shoes?” Or “Hey, Miles is ready for his nap.” It’s like Milezes.


- Pro: It’s my husbands middle name and I think it fits well with our daughters name Lucy.

- Con: it’s the most popular name on our list and very common, so it doesn’t quite feel as “special” as the others do. Also, my husband’s grandfather divorced and remarried and had two kids with his new wife. They are technically my husbands uncles even though they’re 4-6 years younger than him and one of them is named Ryan. So we have an “Uncle” Ryan, meaning it’s my MIL’s brother’s name. It’s a distant relationship but we’re not completely removed from them.

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