I'm so confused but it has happened before ?!


Hey guys so me and my bf have had sex multiple time that's besides the point lol but this one particular time he come really fast but he was still inside on top of me and he froze and got up slowly. So I proceed to ask what happen and he said he didn't expect to come that fast and felt me. He was soft instantly but it was come everywhere. On me , barely the bed , him. Hours later I went to go pee and when I looked it was something just hanging out of my vagina.

I already have a 1 year old girl and when her father ejagulated inside of me and I went to go pee I saw the same thing hanging there before I wiped it and went about my day.

Do you think my bf ejagulated inside of me ? because he's unsure his self. He ask me the next day was I going to wait and take a test since I think that he did . !!!!

4 more days till my period come. So take a test ? or wait and see ?

Am I pregnant ?