I need prayers... *UPDATE** #2

Anything you've got. I need it all!!

My husband is currently in the hospital being treated for an aggressive infection. The infection is called aggressive cellulitis.

If it reaches his lymph nodes, he's legit done.

This is nothing minor or to be taken lightly.

To make matters worse, I can't be there. He's out of state and I am stuck at home!!!!

I'm terrified I'm going to lose him. The doctors were very serious when they explained everything.

Now we're both more scared because we're expecting our first child.

So if you pray, please, please pray for him to recover from this!!

Any and all prayers are welcomed and appreciated.

Thank you so much🙏🙏🙏💞


He was released after a strong round of intravenous antibiotics and fluids. They told him if it worsened to return tonight at 22:00. It is only shy of 18:00 and he's on his way back. He's worse off today than he was yesterday and of course he is a stubborn one so it took loads of crying and begging to get him to return. As men are, he thinks he's invincible and can just "man it out".

I will add more updates when I receive and can post them. I unfortunately go to work in a bit and can't use my phone on the clock.

Thank you for the prayers so far, I'm so grateful for all of you!!!!💞💖💓💗


He had to undergo surgery for the infection. It was so bad that the antibiotics weren't helping. Now it's a waiting game to see if this helped and solved the problem.

I'm scared and worried about him. But he comes home tonight so I'll be able to see how he's doing.

Again, thank you for the prayers!!!