MIL 🙄🤦‍♀️


You guys... what the heck do I do at this point??? So my MIL is the type that did not agree with no kissing my newborn! I mean we would remind her but every once in a while she would still kiss him. Ok fast forward to when we said she could kiss him, she started kissing him all over and ON HIS MOUTH. I can’t even tell u how many times I’ve told her I don’t want her doing that. Finally my husband as well told her she needed to stop kissing him on his mouth or around his mouth. That was like 2 months ago. Yesterday she comes over and what does she do.... KISSES HIM ON THE MOUTH! When my husband talked to her she said sorry that she just gets excited when she sees him cuz she loves him so much 🙄 whatever lady u live 15 min away and see him for 30 min a week! Anywhoooo another thing she has done that irks me is she ALWAYS tries to share a drink with him. I hate that! He has his own sippy cup for reason! And one more thing, she has chewed up food in her own mouth then takes it out and gives it to him!!! 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 and she did it last night!!! He was in his high chair and he tried sharing his chicken with her, well she pulled it out of her mouth and tried putting it in his mouth! I kinda just said Eli u need to stop and eat ur own food (he wasn’t behaving very well) I hate confrontation so I haven’t talked to her about the food from her mouth to his. But u guys can she seriously be that stupid????????? If I tell u don’t kiss my kid on or around his mouth what makes her think its ok to share a drink with him or put food from her mouth to his????? I could talk to her but why??? She doesn’t freakin listen!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡 I feel like she does it on purpose