Slept through the night FINALLY


I finally got my daughter to sleep through the night at almost 11 months! I created a lot of bad habits with nursing her every time she cried. Now, it’s been 2 nights in a row where she sleeps from 6pm - 6am. I dream feed her once before I go to bed at around 9pm (give her solids throughout the day) and she woke up and cried the first night for 25 min, but put herself back to sleep. Last night, she cried for maybe 3 minutes and went back to sleep. I wish I would have done something earlier. I would wake up every 2 hours previous and play baby shuffle. Her bed to our bed back to her bed etc! Just wanted to share in case other mamas are going through this. Hopefully it continues! The hardest part is training yourself, not the baby! Haha