What do to or think?

So my husband and I have been married for almost 4 years. Over the last couple weeks we have been getting into some major arguments. One weekend he was calling me a b***ch and then was punching the wall telling me he hated me and to just leave. Well I ended up going to visit my mom for a few days to give him time to cool we’ll just last weekend my son tried to lie to me and I was going to go talk to him about it, my husband thought he needed to take over and while he was trying to grab him to take him to the living room my son hit his head on the wall and cut his ankle on the shoe rack. My husband then was going to spank him but I step in the middle and did not allow for that to happen. ( my kids are not my husbands) so that caused a huge fight with us. He then kept telling me to leave again. So I went to my computer to look for a place to live. He tried to talk to me and at the same time I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket he then wanted to look at my phone and I said no. He got so mad that he threw my computer desk and then forced me down and took my phone. After 4 hrs of him being a dick he asked me if I would do marriage counseling with him before I choose to leave. Now I’m debating do I leave while he is at work or try and make it work?