Welcome baby girl

Autumn • Mommy to Bentley, and Rylee Ann on her way. ❤️

On November 7th, I woke up around 2am with contractions. I timed them at 5 minutes apart lasting 1 Minute until around 5am when I decided to call my doctor. She sent me to L&D where they monitored me for about an hour and my cervix hasn’t changed since my appointment the day before so I was sent home. I had a c-section scheduled for November 12th but my doctor said give her a call on Friday (November 9th) and she was on call at the hospital & would have me come in to see if I was ready then. Woke up Friday morning with nothing. Doctor said to try to get some contractions going before coming in so I danced with my son for a few hours until I started getting pressure but still no contractions. Doctor said to come in around 12:30 so I did. On the way to the hospital, the pressure was getting pretty bad & I felt some contractions. Got hooked up to the monitor where they said contractions were coming around 5 minutes apart but I didn’t feel them. Doctor checked me right then and I was 3cm dilated with bulging waters! Got admitted, IV started and ready for my c-section. Got into the OR around 2:50pm, instantly had a panic attack so the doctors tried to calm me down while I got the spinal. Hubby walked in and I instantly started crying saying “I can’t do this” as they were already cutting into me. Rylee Ann was delivered at 3:01pm weighing 7lbs 4.5oz and 18.5 inches long!