Christmas gifts

I’m on a tight budget this year because my husband couldn’t work for a few months and a baby is coming this spring 😊

Anyways - I already have my sisters figured out but I am feeling major pregnancy brain fog and out of ideas for some others. If you are bored I would love some suggestions.

Mommom (78 years old) - loves to do things like rug hooking and felting (but I always give her gifts for this), loves reading but I honestly don’t know what books lol, and often goes out to lunch or the movies with her friends

My dad (46) - loves the Philly Eagles, travels a lot for work

My mom (46) - honestly doesn’t have any hobbies other than making her own natural home cleaning products lol and is always cleaning (even though she hates it😂) she loves to relax and pamper herself

My husband and I decided to not do much for each other this year because we want to save as much as we can to have more of a savings for when the babe is here in April, but I would still like to do something small that’s special or idk...just would love ideas.