I give up... not really just a mini rant because I’m over it finally


So late month had pregnancy symptoms Aunt Flo was six days late then she showed up. Now Aunt Flo has shown up six days early. I give up..... we are now going into month six of trying and I’m overly pissy because it seems like we are trying so hard mean while all my friends are on social media every day announcing they are pregnant. I saw a pregnant woman in the store and i walked off crying and royal jealous. I feel so bad for being jealous but it’s not fair. We are charting taking temps doing everything we can to help and get no results mean while a friend decided last month they were going to start trying.... keep in mind she is well aware of the struggling we are having and how i am feeling.... she took it upon herself to text me pictures of her positive tests and said i better get use to it so she was giving me time before she put it on social media and she doesn’t understand why it’s taking me so long because it’s obviously not that hard to conceive. They just decided to try 😒. I’m about over charting and everything if it’s meant to be it will be if not then i guess my husband better get use to having a ton of dogs 😂