Measuring small...?

Helen • 24y/o Air Force wife💙. MOM to a Feb ‘19 babe and soon to be Aug ‘21 babe!

Hey y’all! I’m 27+3 today and had my glucose test. My OB measured my fundal height and said I’m measuring a bit small and that I need to get a sono to recheck measurements and they scheduled me for tomorrow (the usually schedule a week or two out but they called right away to schedule it). I’m really nervous because it just seems like they’re worried about my baby since everything is scheduled so fast rather than how it normally is (I wait 2-3 days after my appointment for the call from the ultrasound place to schedule, which is usually another week or two out).

Did anyone measure small bump wise but baby was measuring right on time? I was a small baby (7.1oz) and my hubby was as well (6.10oz) so I know we’ll probably have a small baby. Plus I’m 5’7” and super thin so I was just thinking baby boy is just hanging out closer to my back. I feel him move a LOT like more so than most women I think?

Below is a picture from two nights ago.