91 days late today


Okay so the last time I got my period was July. I had unprotected sex on August 4, and I was ovulating ( didn’t know I was ovulating at the time ) I haven’t gotten my period since then and now I’m 91 days late. When I first missed my period I took a test and it was negative so I let it go and didn’t think about it again until 2 1/2 months go by and I’m just lying in bed and all of the sudden just start thinking to myself “what if I’m pregnant?” So I take another test and it’s negative. So I go to the doctor and tell her about what’s been going on and she makes me do a UA ( urine analysis ) test and it comes back negative. But this whole time my mom is scaring me by telling me about how when she was pregnant with my sister she never once got a positive pregnancy test and the only way she found out she was pregnant was because she demanded an ultrasound of her stomach, She tells me that a very likely cause for my missed period could be that I have PCOS, which would make sense considering it runs in my family. So she sends me to get an ultrasound and the check my ovaries( didn’t check my stomach just my ovaries ) but all the scans come back perfectly normal. So what’s going on with my body???