Help ladies

So I’m laying here at my fiancé’s house , my 3 m daughter and him asleep. His phone goes off with a Snapchat notification of a girl . We have each others finger prints in our phones so I just check it we always do eachothers phones. And it was a nude saying “send me more baby” not to mention the fact we both agreed Snapchat wasn’t a healthy app to have and we both “deleted it” while I was pregnant. So I start searching more and he has another Instagram that had explicit pics posted and I’m blocked on and deleted photos of other girls on his phone ... I’m trying to leave him but idk the code to his security system and I cannot leave the house without it nor do I have a ride currently . I want to leave calmly as He has anger issues so I want to leave while he’s asleep but I can’t ., what do I do .. ps This isn’t the first mess up, I’m not being mean rash.

Also lately he’s been kind of forceful for me to have sex and recording me without me knowing or even when I say no and laughs about it .. this all just started in a month..

UPDATE;: sorry it’s been almost 12 hours ladies . I got up and was trying to get the babies stuff together and was just going to leave mine but he woke up and he’s always been good at “reading” me so he knew something was off even though I felt I was acting normal.. so I pick up our daughter and continue getting ready to put her in her car seat. And he starts screaming at me and jerking me around. Finally he let me go but he grabbed her car seat(she was currently still in my hands) and through it across the room and said I wasn’t going anywhere to which he snatched my phone out of my hand bc I was trying to call my dad. So I take baby girl into his moms room as she lives with him. I ask her to call my dad and he body charged me and his mom and took her phones too. At this point he started a yelling match with his

Mom and kept trying to charge me and she stepped between us as I still had my daughter. Then half way through said “let me hold my daughter!”

Me:”no not with how you’re acting “

Him:” that’s cool, if I can’t have her no one will I don’t give a fuck!”

His mom “what’s that supposed to mean michael?!”

Him “exactly what I fucking said!”

At that point he jumps the bed and tried to take her from my arms and his sister comes out an stopped him. He starts throwing things at me and eventually trough my phone so I called the police. They came to the house and escorted us out. He held us there over the course of 3 hours doing all this. My daughter and I are currently safe at my dads house for now but we are waiting to be taken to a “safe house” my community offers so he won’t know where we are and then I am filing for full custody. Thank you all