I think I’ve had a miscarriage but didn’t know I was pregnant?


I’ll post a picture below of what came out of me, but FYI it’s graphic.

I was on the way to work when I started cramping in my lower abdomen. I thought that was weird, because I never cramp when I have my period. At this point, I’ve been bleeding on and off for about 3 weeks. I thought that was odd as well, but didn’t think much of it. I just thought it was irregular periods, but that’s not something I usually have. (I’m on the pill btw).

So at work, I stood up from my seat and felt a rushing of blood come out. I went to the bathroom and there was blood EVERYWHERE. All in my panties, all in my pants. I took my tampon out to put a new one in and a huge blood clot came out. I didn’t check to see if something was possibly in it. I went on about my day.

I took a shower later that night and when I got out I noticed another clot on the shower floor. I picked it up with a tissue and it was harder than a normal blood clot you get when you have a period. It wasn’t like a soft gelatinous clot that easily broke apart. So what could this possibly be? A miscarriage I didn’t know about?

I have a doctors appointment on Monday. I called when the first clot came out and they said I needed to be seen by the doctor.

My pants

The second clot that came out in the shower