Is it just me or does it feel like we know more about fertility than some of the staff that SHOULD know about fertility?? 😤

Marie • Married • TTC #1 since December 2016 • 29 yrs old

I have CD 21 progesterone blood draw scheduled but I’ve read here that sometimes, even on Clomid, ovulation happens late. I don’t want to get poked and pay for a blood draw if my OPK’s are telling me my body hasn’t had a LH surge and haven’t ovulated when my doc predicted it would. I called to ask if I can reschedule the blood draw until I get the positive OPK in case it doesn’t happen on schedule, and the woman I spoke to insisted that Clomid makes you ovulate on CD 14 regardless of your normal menstrual length. I have irregular periods, and if I do ovulate, it happens much later in my cycle than CD 14. But she insisted, and made a simple conversation much more complicated than it needed to be and honestly made me feel like I sounded like I had no idea what I was talking about.