PCOS - not insulin resistant - advice needed


I have PCOS and have a few of the classic side affects- irregular periods, low sex drive, a bit of extra chin hairs, some self esteem changes, about 25lbs over my typical weight. I am thankful that I am not insulin resistant because it does allow me to eliminate some of the associated risk factors or symptoms; however; there doesn’t see. To be a lot of advice out there for how to manage symptoms when you are not insulin resistant.

I’ve read that women with fewer than 4 periods per year cab over time become at risk of endometrial cancer. There is no pattern over the past 4 years when it comes to how many times I menstruate. I will have 6 in a year, then 4, then 8, then 5.

We are TTC and I had a child 6 years ago before I was diagnosed (however I had previously had 1 summer where my periods disappeared for 6 months) so I believe that I had PCOS symptoms previously and was undiagnosed.

I stopped getting periods while I was on the pill so I do not think going back on the pill will help me (plus we are static so that doesn’t seem like a smart option.

In the past month I have cut out refined sugar, carbs including wheat (GF), starchy foods like white potatoes, soy but am currently missing another period.

Advice to regulate hormones and regulate periods (hopefully other symptoms will subside with a hormonal balance) outside of what I’m already doing with food?