Natasha 🥀⚰️ • Taken(9/20/19), 90s music lover, and I love anime rhythm games

So I know this is gonna sound disgusting but today I was having period shits. Now sometimes it's bad but it's never been this bad before. IT WAS SO BAD I ALMOST PASSED OUT TWICE. Luckily I already knew what to do to overcome benign lightheaded. I opened the bathroom window for some fresh air and focused on my breathing. When I had finally overcome the first episode I thought everything was over. Haha NOPE. As I was legit flushing the toliet I got the feeling again. I was like "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME"?!?! This time I had to lay on the ground so that I could get over it even quicker. I also took my shirt off because I was overheating. So my boyfriend was downstairs and I had been in there for at least a good 20 minutes. He came upstairs and asked me if I was ok. I told him that I wasn't and that I almost passed out twice. He started to worry a little bit. I told him to get some soda for me to drink because it also helps. He ran downstairs and he came back up with the soda. Well the thing is I had no shirt on so I told him that I didn't have a shirt on. I hid behind the door when I opened it to get the soda. After all of that, I went downstairs and my parents told me to lay down and they let some fresh air in. He sat there and comforted me. I'm just so happy to have him. He really is the best boyfriend and I really couldn't ask for anything better because well...he is the best!