Sore shoulders since 3 weeks 4 days - now 5 weeks 1 day..need suggestions


Hi all I’ve had aching muscles basically since I found out I was pregnant. All it took was one horrid night on the couch cause I couldn’t sleep on my shitty mattress.... now my whole body, but specifically shoulders, wrists, neck, arms hurt. Mainly my left but I’m left handed so obviously i use that side of my body all the time. Now I’m not experiencing cramps, bleeding, no stomach pains, no headaches or dizziness so I don’t need the whole eptopic talk cause it’s always on my mind as it is being a first time pregnancy. I believe I’m experiencing this because of the hormones surging through my body and my hips and pelvis readjusting....what I’m asking is does anybody have any suggestions. I’ve tried warm baths, muscle soothing through bath salts... massages... and the only thing that has helped is more support through the use of two pillows whilst sleeping instead of one. I just need some mumma advice on what to do 😴😓😌