Irregular Yolk Sac 7w

Out of nowhere on Friday i went to pee and when I wiped, there was some pink blood (almost like i started my period but not super heavy)...I went to doctor and baby HB was 138 so i thought everything was ok. When doctor went over sonographer report she said that they wrote that the yolk sac was irregular. And that irregular could possibly mean large which could mean a miscarriage “may” happen. But after researching, I’m seeing it may also have meant yolk sac is misshapen... so I’m kindve left to wonder what irregular meant. The bleeding has stopped and was only pink/red before my US on Friday, but I do have a tiny bit of brown blood occasionally still (which is maybe from the transvag U/S that they did...) I feel slightly crampy but nothing unusual. I go back in 8 days for another u/s hoping that things have gone to normal. This is my second pregnancy and I’m 7w2d. I’m hanging onto hope that everything is ok bc the HB was 138, but the irregular yolk sac has me very nervous ... ? Anyone else had this and been ok?